EMG-IMU dataset for 12 different hand gesture categories (11 different hand gestures and 1 relax gesture), in which 5 of them are static gestures (wave in, wave out, fist, open, pinch), and the other 6 are dynamic gestures (up, down, left, right, forward, backward). The data were collected using the Myo armband (a sensor with 8 channels at a sampling rate of 200 Hz) and the G-force armband (a sensor with 8 channels at a sampling rate of 1 kHz). The data of each user of the training set is composed of 180 hand gesture repetitions --15 repetitions for each gesture--, and the other 180 samples are for validation or testing.

Download dataset: https://epnecuador-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/laboratorio_ia_epn_edu_ec/EnUgKpozVsFPueuqFyZOqYwBAzrh8mYi5UyorPxxQC2g1Q?e=fS144a


  • Ladrón de Guevara E11-253, Quito – Ecuador
  • “José Rubén Orellana” polytechnic campus
    Faculty of Systems Engineering
    Fourth floor